Common Ground in Career and Mate Selection

I once wrote a book called Dating and the Pursuit of Happiness .  In it, I express the idea of an analogy between finding a suitable job and that of finding a mate.  I wasn’t making light of the mate comparison, in fact, I was saying–still say—that since many of us put more work in…

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I wonder how many people feel the way I do about how we humans treat one another.  I guess I could do research, casually ask others, even conduct official interviews, but I just wonder.  I’m not even sure that I could depend on the responses.  Would people be honest, willing to be transparent about what…

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Teaching the Children Well

I worry about what adults unwittingly teach children.  I doubt if there is any conscious intent with so much of what we “transmit,” thus my qualifier.  Most of us are aware that if there is a conflict between what we say and what we do, our actions and behavior wins out in the messaging.  Children…

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Love is such a beautiful aspect of our human experience, why is it that so often we are too quick to push it into the background, giving “preference” to thoughts and behavior that have little to do with this awesome birthright-to remain and express from that space. So often we are judging and criticizing and…

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We Spiritual Beings

I just can’t help commenting on what is happening in our national discourse. The vitriol and lack of civility that we are showcasing to our own people and the world at large is at least unfortunate and at most shameful. In our humanness, I understand our fallibility, but mostly I hold out hope that some…

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