Episode 11- Our Questionable Beliefs

How is our own self image and the trust we have in ourselves projected onto our environment? Is our collective mistrust in government, the media and each other causing us consternation? Are our underlying beliefs driving our feelings of low self-worth and pessimism? Are we doomed to a fatalistic notion when it comes to our future or do we understand how we create what we see in the world?
We see more, hear more and consequently know more about what is going on in our environment and the world at large. Perhaps we are living with the unintended consequences of our technologically progressed society.
How we join in on the noise of negativism or hold steadfast to optimism and positivity makes all the difference in what we experience. During our recent democratic debates with too many candidates, we heard a voice dare speak of love, projecting that it will win over its opposite, fear-in all its negative manifestations. Soon after, I heard many dismiss this candidate, Marianne Williamson. But did she not make sense? Did she not have a good point?
We are definitely responsible for what we see. Our negativity is infectious but so are collective thoughts of love and peace. It’s not a pipe dream or some fairy notion but rather proof of hope and resolution –of our collective salvation. We are too willing to give in to complaints and thoughts of gloom and doom. But we have a choice–we will always have that choice. What will you choose?