Episode 14 – Alex’s Story

Alex is a perfect example of some one who is lucky enough to realize what she wanted to do at a fairly young age. What she needed was guidance on how to accomplish her dreams. Our educational system failed her, in a sense. High school “guidance” amounted to choosing a higher ed institution, without inquiry into her specific career goal.
There are two matters up for review here. Do high school guidance counselors assume that all 16-17 years olds have no clue what course to follow, let alone be able to identify any specific career aspiration? Should they add that one question to their session with their students to determine the most appropriate institution in which to pursue their goal? We know that we needn’t choose our majors immediately, but would it not make sense to get started as soon as possible if we have that self-awareness?
The other thing is, might the so-called “counseling element” operate easier with left-brain fields, simply because they feel more challenged by the world of the arts?
What is it with our system and how can we help improve it for future students who find themselves really needing help? Most students who lack knowledge about what they want to do are assisted by an assessment process but those who already have that self-understanding may be falling through the cracks, having to discover on their own how to navigate their career pursuits.