Episode 19- How Are you Being in Your Doing?

How do you know that your work is meaningful? How are you Being in your doing?
We can answer the first question by looking at our contributions. Who benefits from our work, what are our outcomes and what difference do they make?
The second question is much bigger and carries weight in this entire life/work purpose topic. No matter what you DO, how are you BEING in the doing of that performance, action? Do you bring light or not so much? Are you spreading kindness to all you come in contact with or are you apathetic, or worse–not so positive?
The best thing we can get is that if we are at peace in our doing, no matter the work, we are likely working with a sense of purpose and making a contribution. And that sense of peace is likely the backdrop for you offering a smile, a helping hand or an understanding ear to a co-worker. That is being purposeful and definitely contributing to a positive work culture, no matter how seemingly small.