Episode 25-Career Evolution

Asking our “career questions” early on may sound like a no-brainer, but how many of us engage ourselves in such inquiry?
Prior to selecting a career path, were you consciously aware of what your interests were? How about your skills or natural talent? Did you consider your strengths, such as what subject matter in which you excelled during your education? Have you thought about what others have told you your ‘re good at?
Is your personality more extroverted or introverted? Do you enjoy working more with tasks or are you better engaging with others all day long? When you do the opposite, you will tire more easily, so that will be a good clue.
Are you reaching for a leadership role in your field or not so much?
What do you value and how might you prioritize those aspects of a job or career as they compare to that list?
In lieu of sitting down with a de-brief on an assessment, we can prepare ourselves to avoid unnecessary time and money.