Episode 9- Job Search the “Right” Way

It is not enough to access job search engines when you’re looking for a job. Yes, you may see who is looking for what types of jobs to be filled and you may fit one or more of the current positions that happen to be open. But you’re NEVER “just looking for a job.” Instead, you are (I would assert ALWAYS) seeking the right position for you.
You already know the companies where you’d love to work, the jobs that you would be WILLING and ABLE to do, so why not target those and write a deliberate plan to achieve landing one of those? Why not develop a “marketing plan” that organizes your thoughts about which organizations and which roles you fit and identify how you can solve their problem? Once it is all written down, perhaps you might sit with a networking contact and share your plan, gain their knowledgable feedback on the viability of your plan from the company perspective, to the specific job.
Getting a job is a full-time job and sometimes we are still working while we are seeking…either to improve ourselves or simply move out of doing something we no longer wish to do. So, it will take even more deliberate effort to find time to do a good job of networking to land the right role. In the end, you will see that the time spent was worth it. YOU are worth it!