How Can I Help?
It is a time of particular stress. Normally when we feel anxious, we reach out for that human touch. But these times are not normal. We are being asked to “shelter in place.” It seems it is a problem on top of the problem and there are consequences.
So what can we do to help? For one, we must manage our emotions. Realizing that our feelings dictate our thoughts that result in our behavior, we need to adopt a practice of emotional self-control. Respect the feeling, as it is there to inform you of what you need to know about yourself. It is also to let you know that there is fear propelling the negative emotion but it is not real- at least not now. It is likely from a past issue that caused you to build a defense. It is False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR)
Often, if we are able to shift our focus from our own anxiety to helping others in whatever way we can, we modify and mitigate severe emotional reaction. That shift helps us manage our emotion and allows us a thoughtful response.
Just the very expression, “How can I help” shifts you from self to other concerns and the result is palpable. It is similar to counting to ten or taking a couple diaphragmatically deep breaths. Try it, it works and we have all to benefit from your efforts.