Episode 0-Intro to Love In Your Life Podcast

The purpose of this first podcast show, episode zero, is to introduce who I am and the intended mission for this podcast, Love In Your Life.
It begins by identifying with the audience, most or all of whom work for a living. By telling my story, I relate how I evolved to arrive finally at doing work for which I have a passion. Like many, not a direct route at all.
Having spent the last 20+ years assisting professionals in transition after experiencing an involuntary job loss, I realize the strong case for preparing young people to make better decisions early on and avoid costly mistakes of changing jobs, fields, or even making wholesale career moves.
Besides the obvious benefit of gaining the confidence and self-understanding to do what we were intended to do, there is another advantage to this change in focus. When we get to do what we love, we are also more likely to tap into our greater purpose. This I saw as a secondary inspirational benefit to my being part of so many professionals’ introspective evolution. These folks have shared something precious in their self-awareness that oddly enough arrived in reflection following their loss. In a kind of “re-awakening,” they wanted and needed to understand how choosing the “right” career path for themselves was akin to self-acceptance and self-love.
What I also see is that as one does this for the self, it enables him to do it for the other. As I authentically accept my uniqueness, I can accept and love others in a new way. It brings light to circumstance and enables one to realize that each individual deserves to tap into the purpose of them being part of this human experience. The vast majority of my clients ultimately came to express the value of this so-called negative job loss experience that brought them to a higher understanding and vision for themselves, one that enriches their own lives and others they influence by their example.