Posts by Dolah Saleh
Four Killers of Relationship
John Gottman identified relationship barriers as what he referred to as the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” These are criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. We recognize these as self-protective mechanisms that, in fact, are guaranteed to destroy our relationship. That’s because they originate in unresolved pain from our past. Instead of being in relationship and…
Reviewing the Interview
Shifting after the Pandemic
Influencing Factors in Career Path
What are the factors that are at work to influence our career choices? Are we conscious of these influencing factors or not? Whether we are consciously aware of the factors that influence our choices in career path selection or not, they are nonetheless present and at work “behind the scenes” of our life, so to…
Being Responsible
Blaming looks externally for the source of our discontent. The problem with that is it assumes you are a victim, not in control of your own happiness. With the understanding that you alone are responsible for your happiness, you look to the self as the source. You are empowered with the knowledge that you are…