Career Shifting

Is it possbile and reasonable to swtich careers in midlife if you are unhappy with what you have been doing for work for a period of a decade or more? Of course it is!  If we believe that we deserve to engage in work that we love, then there is no doubt. Each of us…

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The Transference of Job Skills

Do the work to Love your work… We graduate college, take a job and develop our skills in one or more¬†specific areas.¬† After a time, we realize that we have evolved and can now claim an¬†expertise.¬† In other words,¬†we are marketable in this particular area.¬†¬†The time we have invested in honing our skills has been…

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Do things Happen To Us or For Us?

What is your response when bad things happen in your life?  Are you quick to judge it as “unfair”  or “unfortunat.e” or are you more apt to turn it into a (self) teachable moment? I have noticed that we could stand a great deal to learn from seeing things that happen in our world as…

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Having counseled professionals for years in transition due to an involuntary job loss, I find myself with a number of thoughts about the experience.  Most people are devastated once they are told the news–some version of the business is going in another direction, redundancy has come into play, the organization needs to make cutbacks.  No…

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The Interview: Selling Yourself

Being interviewed comes second-nature to a salesperson.¬†¬†He or she knows to ask questions,¬†listen intently to their prospect’s responses/objections and obtain their¬†feedback, all of which helps them¬†derive an understanding of what the prospect is looking for and¬†then, they meet those needs with suitable products or services. In selling ourselves, the mechanics are the same.¬† But for…

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