Is There A Way to Do What You Love?

Do we believe that we actually can do what we love, assuming we identify what that is? There are resources we can access to clarify what we need to be happy in our worklife, which also has implications for our personal life.  If you are not sure or do not know of appropriate resources, consider…

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A Call for Dialogue

First it was email, today it’s texts and posts on social media.  Do people miss talking, having face to face conversation, dialogue??? I think we are secretly longing for some return to that, as evidenced by the increasing popularity in podcasts.  Tuning in to these “shows” allows us to listen in on one or more…

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I wonder how many people feel the way I do about how we humans treat one another.  I guess I could do research, casually ask others, even conduct official interviews, but I just wonder.  I’m not even sure that I could depend on the responses.  Would people be honest, willing to be transparent about what…

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Teaching the Children Well

I worry about what adults unwittingly teach children.  I doubt if there is any conscious intent with so much of what we “transmit,” thus my qualifier.  Most of us are aware that if there is a conflict between what we say and what we do, our actions and behavior wins out in the messaging.  Children…

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Unexamined Lives

The North Sea, Belgium In my work as a consultant,¬†I see people in various stages of self-defined¬†happiness and success.¬†¬†And because of an assessment tool that I use to determine what an individual needs¬†and how they might best satisfy those needs,¬†I get to have interesting philosophical discussions.¬† I get to realize time and again how so…

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