Teaching the Children Well

I worry about what adults unwittingly teach children.  I doubt if there is any conscious intent with so much of what we “transmit,” thus my qualifier.  Most of us are aware that if there is a conflict between what we say and what we do, our actions and behavior wins out in the messaging.  Children…

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Mating and the Job Search

Whenever I meet someone who needs to begin a job search, the easiest way to explain the process is to compare it to finding a suitable mate. The challenge is that most of us fail to engage in any formalized process to accomplish either. And therein lies what could be a problem. Most of us…

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Unexamined Lives

The North Sea, Belgium In my work as a consultant,¬†I see people in various stages of self-defined¬†happiness and success.¬†¬†And because of an assessment tool that I use to determine what an individual needs¬†and how they might best satisfy those needs,¬†I get to have interesting philosophical discussions.¬† I get to realize time and again how so…

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What are Your Job Search Resources?

When you are looking for a job you have a few places to access. One is the internet and these days it turns out that’s quite a good resource. We have social media, where we can upload our resume and have prospective employers take a look at our background and skill level. We can go…

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Sensitivity, Sensibility and Respect

I can always get to the point in any given interaction, personal or in observing others, when three words strike me-sensitivity, sensibility and respect.  The quality of the first is in thinking before we speak.  It is being aware and responsive to another person’s point of view.  The second, similar but adding more discernment to…

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