Finding What We Need
Here’s the thing. These days, whenever we want something, all we need to do is go to google or another search engine and write in the phrase representing our request, right? Next, we wade through the myriad responses that hopefully address our unique concern and we settle on a particular resource, which may or may…
Read Full PostIs There A Way to Do What You Love?
Do we believe that we actually can do what we love, assuming we identify what that is? There are resources we can access to clarify what we need to be happy in our worklife, which also has implications for our personal life. If you are not sure or do not know of appropriate resources, consider…
Read Full PostCommon Ground in Career and Mate Selection
I once wrote a book called Dating and the Pursuit of Happiness . In it, I express the idea of an analogy between finding a suitable job and that of finding a mate. I wasn’t making light of the mate comparison, in fact, I was saying–still say—that since many of us put more work in…
Read Full PostCareer Guidance in our Schools?
Each is divinely unique… I can’t tell you how often I hear people speak about the inadequate, if not non-existent¬†”guidance counseling” in our schools.¬†¬†I just heard another story today!¬† In my time as a teacher, I could see that¬†there was something lacking, that not much at all had changed since my high school days when…
Read Full PostMating and the Job Search
Whenever I meet someone who needs to begin a job search, the easiest way to explain the process is to compare it to finding a suitable mate. The challenge is that most of us fail to engage in any formalized process to accomplish either. And therein lies what could be a problem. Most of us…
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